David R. Brown, MD, PhD, PA Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism
David R. Brown, MD, PhD, PAEndocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism

Insurance Information

Dr. Brown does not participate with commercial insurance plans at this time.

By opting out of the commercial insurance system, Dr. Brown is able to devote the time, attention, and resources necessary for comprehensive management of endocrine, diabetic, and metabolic disorders.

Patients may use their out-of-network insurance benfits to help cover the cost of visits with Dr. Brown.  Our office will provide all the necessary information required for claim submission to commercial insurance plans.



Dr. Brown is currently not affiliated with Medicare and has "opt-out" status with this federal program. This means that Medicare will not reimburse for services provided directly by Dr. Brown. However, commercial secondary insurance policies may cover some or all of these services. If patients covered by Medicare wish to see Dr. Brown, a Medicare Private Contract must be signed. This contract serves to provide informed consent regarding Dr. Brown's status with Medicare. Importantly, signing this contract does not impose any obligation to see Dr. Brown. If you wish to review the contract, click here.


Please note that coverage for medical services received elsewhere remains unaffected by the Medicare Private Contract with Dr. Brown, including any tests or procedures ordered by Dr. Brown.


If your are currently covered under Medicare, you are very welcome to join our practice for comprehensive medical care. We will ask you to sign the Medicare Private Contract when you check in for your first visit.

Medicare Private Contract
Download Dr. Brown's Medicare Private Contract here.
Medicare Private Contract.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [19.2 KB]
Dr. David Brown Expert, Comprehensive, Supportive, and Compassionate Care ...that's Dr. Brown!

Remote Video Visits available!


2401 Research Blvd

Suite 230

Rockville, MD 20850


Schedule an Appointment:








Or use our contact contact form.


Notice:  Medical issues can only be addressed by telephone or through the portal.  Please do not use regular email for medical issues.

Business Hours:

Mon-Thur  8:00 AM -   3:30 PM

Fri            8:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Telephone Hours:

Mon-Thur  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

                1:00 PM -   3:30 PM

Fri            9:00 AM - 12:00 PM




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© David R. Brown, MD, PhD, Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism


